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September 22, 2019

What if earth changes its orbit?

What if earth changes its orbit?

What if earth changes its orbit?

If the Earth's orbit moves closer to the Sun, we will all burn, if it moves away, we will all freeze, a good thing that we are in the right spot.
You may not be able to feel it, but the earth is now spinning. Gravity is not just a fairy tale. It is a natural phenomenon that attracts objects to each other. Our planet's gravity keeps humans, animals, buildings and other forms of material on Earth. Similarly, the Sun is 100 times the diameter of Earth and gravitationally exerts on all the planets of the solar system, which makes us orbit the Sun once a year.
If the Earth changes its orbit, perhaps because the sun has disappeared in some way or something, such as entering a larger object into the solar system and exercising more clouds, this will probably mean the end of life as we know it.
It is likely that the Earth without an orbit will go directly to the sun to crash in it, because the path of our planet around that big star in the sky is what keeps the earth from withdrawing directly to the sun because of its gravity.
Imagine throwing a tennis ball from the roof of a building. We know that the more force you throw, the faster it will travel and also travel more before it attracts the ground.
Our giant planet (planet Earth) moves around the Sun at 18.5 miles per second. This means that it continues to fall permanently towards the sun, but it’s very high speed prevents it from reaching the sun. All of this will change very quickly if the planet stops moving in its orbit, the planet will burn with all that it is as it approaches the sun.
The dramatic shift in Earth's orbit primarily affects the planet's temperature. If you are closer to the sun the climate will be hotter, a small step closer to the sun will have a tremendous impact, because the heat causes the glaciers to melt, raising sea levels and more flooding on the planet, without land. To absorb some of the sun's temperature, temperatures on Earth will continue to rise and heat will cause high levels of carbon dioxide and vapors released into the air by the oceans.
Conversely, a shift in Earth's orbit further away from the Sun will lead to a possible cooling and freezing of the planet. The oceans will be covered with ice, causing them to emit less carbon dioxide and vapors, and will also make the years longer, and more distant from the sun will take longer to complete its annual orbit.
With mention that the impact of the shift in Earth's orbit will be on the rest of the solar system, even a small change in its orbit around the sun will cause planets collision.
The exact position of Earth can also change for Jupiter, the largest of the eight planets, which is a shield of some kind, dispersing harmful gases and asteroids that may hit the Earth.
Source : Wikipedia

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