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September 18, 2019

What happens if everyone becomes rich?

What happens if everyone becomes rich?
Just as there is a difference between a millionaire and a billionaire, there is a difference between the rich and the super rich.
We must not confuse the rich with high-income people.The rich have ready, surplus and monetizable wealth (and may have inherited it without fatigue), while high-income earners (such as doctors, stars and famous players) earn more than most people, but they may not reach wealth.
We now come to the difference between the rich, super-rich, and how to differentiate between them?
We all know that there is a difference and that the first category is more than the second, but is it possible to distinguish the two by numbers?
Many financial institutions agree today that the "wealthy" are the ones who own more than one million (dollars) regardless of the state and location of living. While the super-rich are those who have more than 30 million dollars
There is also a report that includes the numbers and nationalities of people with more than $ 30 billion in the world (according to the Wealth-X 2017 rating). In this report, Saudi Arabia ranked first in the Arab world with 2640 rich people with a total of $ 427 billion (including only one woman), followed by the UAE with 1120 rich people with a total of $ 272 billion (note that Saudi Arabia and the UAE were the only Arab countries in this list)
The country with the largest number of "super rich" is America, which has 73 thousand rich people, the total wealth of 8.719 trillion dollars. A quick review of this report shows that the eight richest people in the world have more than half of the wealth of human beings combined (Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, Amancio Ortega).
But I do not personally believe that it is good for us to become wealthy.
If everyone becomes wealthy, no one will need a job or even a desire to accomplish and excel. The production wheel will stop, workers will disappear and the joints of life will be disrupted. We will all return poor (not because of lack of money) but because of the disappearance of services, lack of incentives and equal purchasing power for all people.
What most people do not know is that the rich do not enjoy their lives because of their abundance of money, but because of their small number and enjoyment of services and products that are made and offered to the average and the toiling class in society.

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