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September 2, 2019

What would happen if everyone on earth jumped at once?

What would happen if everyone on earth jumped at once?
The physicist at the University of Ohio and fellow physicist Mark Boslough at Sandia National Laboratory revealed the assumption that would happen if all the inhabitants of the earth jump at the same time.
They imagined that the inhabitants of the planet would be distributed in one location the size of New York standing side by side. If they all jumped up at the same time, the Earth will have an impact that will produce a large amount of energy.
The scientists believe that part of that energy will return to human through his shoes. The rest of the energy will dissipate in the surrounding environment. One of the advantages of this jump is the sound of a resounding resemblance to the sound of 200 dB.
One of the conclusions is that, first; this force of sound is a lethal force for humans, as it will destroy at least the eardrum. For comparison, the sound of a jet plane taking off is 150 dB. 120 dB is the threshold of pain for humans.
Secondly, the Earth will be hit by a strong tsunami the wave height is 30 meters and an earthquake of 4-8 degrees on the Richter scale.
The two scientists pointed out that the consequences of that jump will not reach space, and the Earth will not deviate from its orbit, no matter how strong the jump of the inhabitants of the earth.

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