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September 13, 2019

What happens if animals are extinct?

What happens if animals are extinct?
What happens if animals are extinct?
We are surrounded by endangered species of animals every day, but we do not think about these animals. Does their extinction affect us as human beings or not?
This world is based on a network of complex systems of connections between organisms and their environments, often called the food network, although it involves many factors more than just a diet. Animals depend on each other and ultimately human dependence on this interlocking system.
Many species of endangered animals, most of which are predators, are dwindling due to conflicts with humans. We kill predators all over the world because we fear for our own lives as well as pets and cattle as we compete with them for prey and destroy their habitats our communities and our agricultural operations.
Take for example, the impact of human intervention on the gray wolf and the effects of dwindling populations on its environment and biodiversity. Prior to the United States' genocide efforts that wiped out wolves in the first half of the 20th century; wolves kept increasing numbers of other animals. They hunt elk, deer and geese, and kill smaller animals such as coyotes, raccoons and beavers.
If one type of food web ceases to exist, one or more organs may end up in the rest of the chain. This is evidenced by the many living examples that exist around us, and then the extinction of animals is the extinction of all mankind. Within the highly complex food web of ecosystem components, the extinction of one species leads to the extinction of others, changes in vegetation, as well as many climate changes, which in turn negatively affect human life.

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