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September 8, 2019

What if mutants existed?

What if mutants existed?

What if mutants existed?

In biology and in particular in genetics, a mutant is an organism or a new genetic trait resulting from or resulting from a mutation case, which is usually a modification of the genome or chromosome DNA sequence of an organism.

The natural occurrence of genetic mutations is an integral part of the evolution process.

A gene mutation is a permanent alteration of the DNA sequence constituting a gene so that the sequence differs from that found in most people. Hereditary mutations are inherited from a parent and are present during a person's life in virtually every cell in the body.

All mutants have a genetic mutation called X-Gene that causes their bodies to develop abilities that normal humans, homo sapiens, are unable to develop.

What would happen if mutants exist?

So it would be like an LGBT rights movement of modern times, but more dangerous.

In terms of religion

People hate them because they are different, they will use religion to fuel their fanaticism, instead of saying that it is the logic of Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve, they will say that the mutants are the germ of the devil. and Satan created them to destroy the world. If it were ancient times, witch hunts would be frequent and these activities would be sponsored by the Church.

Of course, there will not be many physical hate crimes against them, in the modern world, it is easy to kill or to pronounce a hate speech against a homosexual person because they are powerless and can not defend, imagine insult or try. to kill a mutant capable of driving you crazy or burning you alive, no, they hate will not manifest as physical aggression, but verbally they will avoid the mutant and isolate it from society

Of course, bigots will always be there to spread hate speech and say that God has punished them because their parents or ancestors have sinned in the past, making the sin of their predecessor their sin.

In terms of society

If the parents discovered that their child/children were a mutant, two things would happen: they would deny their child and force him or her to leave the home, fearing to be dangerous to themselves and those around them or to accept their child, but always. remind them to hide it. As for the expelled children, they will form a community outside the city with those who have been abandoned. Some would beg for fear of hurting others, others would use the small robbery to support themselves. others with mind-based powers could rip people off.

There will be websites that will allow mutants to communicate with each other, share stories, meet and befriend each other. There will be cases of suicide because they are different and they can not accept it.

There will be mutants who will come to the street and say that they were born that way, that they did not choose to be, and that they are also humans, they will go to the media and other media

There would be discrimination and other myths, such as if you lived with a mutant, you would also become a mutant, or, I heard that eating chicken would make you a mutant, the mutant word will be the number one 'insult.

Many mutants will be afraid to be true and have chosen to be locked in fear that people treat them differently, that they are confused with themselves and wonder why they are not normal like the others.

In terms of the policy

In the United States, the Democratic Party would welcome these mutants and tell them that society should accept these people, Republicans would say that they are dangerous and that they should be registered to monitor them.

If a given nation has more mutants than normal people, the mutants will reign supreme and control their government, even if they will still adhere to human rights and respect other non-mutants. Specialized laws will be in place for a specific type of people. mutant, if a mutant can teleport, there are places where he should not teleport. Most of the time, they often elected telepathic leaders, because being a telepath gives their country an advantage in terms of negotiation and allows to see if a leader to whom they speak lies, there would be no coups because they can feel whose loyalty feigns, but in this type of nation they would act like North Korea, everyone will be scared, this nation will understand and choose to be isolated, the mutants who would learn the existence of this nation If they migrate there, of course, the United Nations will have to give them a specific rule in place, they will also be given permanent membership because they are important for peace.

In terms of military

The government will try to recruit these mutants and turn them into an elite soldier. In exchange, he will provide them with shelter, salary, and other bonuses. In extreme cases, they would capture the most powerful or useful mutant, study work, reproduce their abilities and apply them to all their soldiers, the war would be different often using mutants as living weapons of the siege to destroy the enemy forces because, for the fight against terrorism or the war against terrorism, they would use telepaths and decipher who the terrorist is in a civilian group.

Instead of deploying an army, a country could deploy a group of 20 to 30 powerful mutants to the elite on the battlefield, which would make it a force to rely on, while saving the lives of soldiers when it does not. It is not necessary to carry out such unnecessary deaths.

In terms of science

The field of medicine is at its peak, scientists can look for a mutant that has capabilities, not an attack, but something useful, the ability to be immune to poison, for example, will allow scientists to synthesize the ultimate universal anti-venom, a fast healing factor allows them to reproduce such a trait, allowing burnt victims to regenerate their flesh, the ability to see from afar will allow them to heal a horrible sight.

In terms of culture

There will be traditions that would oppose such traits or adore such traits. In the first case, a holiday can be invoked in one or more countries, like Halloween for example, people will dress in horrible monsters, trying to reproduce mutants with physical mutations. from the past, the tradition was rooted until the time when they considered these mutants as demons and they had to dress like that in order to deceive the demons so that they do not attack them and do not bother them because they are their own powerful mutant parents under the guise of a deity who has done all kinds of miracles and made people's lives so much better, it can be like Christmas, they will celebrate the day of joy and joy. love, offer gifts to others, just like the mutant who gave people their own gifts.

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