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August 28, 2019

What if all the nuclear warheads explode?

What if all the nuclear warheads explode?

What if all the nuclear warheads explode?

Nuclear warheads are a lethal destruction weapon that uses nuclear reaction processes, whose destructive power depends on the process of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. As a result of this process, the power of a small nuclear bomb is much greater than that of the largest conventional bomb, since a single nuclear bomb can destroy or cause fatal damage to the city.
How many nuclear warheads exist
There is about 15,000 nuclear warheads in the world, most of which are owned by Russia, followed by the United States, while the rest of the nuclear states have few nuclear bombs.
The largest nuclear explosion in history occurred in 30 octobre 1961, during the Soviet Union, known as the "Tsar Bomba", where the force of the explosion was 57 megatons, about 3800 times stronger than the Hiroshima bomb, and this is just one bomb, how the impact of the explosion of all nuclear warheads together?

Assuming that 13,800 nuclear bombs will explode on Earth, in a manner that is evenly distributed throughout the world, 94 square kilometers of land will be blown up immediately, in addition to the destruction of 232,000 square kilometers of infrastructure.
The explosion will also create a fireball that will kill everything that gets in its way within a 79,000 square kilometer range, and anyone who is over 5.8 million square kilometers will suffer third-degree burns.
The explosion will pollute the air with ionizing radiation, a high-energy radiation, over an area of 284,000 square kilometers, so most survivors will suffer radiation-related diseases.
Those who survived the explosion and radioactive contamination must prepare for a long period of darkness.
Like the concept of volcanic cooling, where particles from volcanic eruptions rise to the upper atmosphere, cooling the region's temperature around it, the nuclear winter will cool the world for hundreds of years.
The black carbon bloat caused by massive explosions would prevent sunlight from reaching the Earth's surface, plunging the world into darkness, making photosynthesis impossible, and leading to the collapse of the ecosystem.

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